You searched specialized-centers-research-excellence-score-sex-differences-u54-clinical-trial-optional-rfa

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Translational Multi-Organ Tissue Chip Systems for Drug Efficacy, Toxicity Testing, and Personalized Medicine (UG3/UH3 Clinical Trial Not Allowed) (RFA-TR-24-025)

Sponsor: National Institutes of Health

Award: Application budgets are limited to $750,000 direct costs per year. The project period may be 2- 3 years for the UG3 phase. The project period may be up to 2 - 3 years for the UH3 phase. The maximum project period for the entire UG3/UH3 award is 5 years.

Due Date: Letter of Intent due September 16, 2024. Application due October 18, 2024.

BII & Science Translational Medicine Prize for Innovations in Women’s Health

Sponsor: BioInnovation Institute and Science Translational Medicine

Award: The prize is awarded for outstanding research performed by the applicant as described in a 1,000-word essay. The winner will have their essay published in Science Translational Medicine and receive a cash award of $25,000 and a five-year subscription to Science Translational Magazine. The winner will also be invited to BII headquarters in Copenhagen, Denmark, for the Grand Award Ceremony.

Due Date: No‌vemb‌er 1, 2‌02‌4.

Solicitation of Nominations for the 2025 National Institute of Neurological Disorders and Stroke (NINDS) Landis Award for Outstanding Mentorship (NOT-NS-24-125)

Sponsor: National Institute of Neurological Disorders and Stroke

Award: This award provides $100,000.00 (direct costs) to up to five (5) faculty members, who have demonstrated a dedication to outstanding mentorship and training. Nominations for the NINDS Landis Mentor Award will be accepted ONLY from current and former trainees of the nominated individual. Eligible individuals for this award must be in a tenure-track or equivalent faculty position and hold an active NINDS R01, R35, U01, U54, P01, DP1, DP2 or equivalent 4-5 year duration NIH award, with at least one year left on their grant as of June 2025.

Due Date: Nomination forms due by December 15, 2024.

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