You searched notice-special-interest-nosi-administrative-supplements-active-nih-awards-support-replication

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Notice of Special Interest (NOSI): The Role of the Immune System in Aging Brain and Alzheimer's Disease (AD) and AD-Related Dementias (ADRD) (NOT-AG-24-010)

Sponsor: National Institute on Aging, National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases

Award: This initiative relates to the following notices of funding opportunities (NOFOs): PAR-22-093 - Research on Current Topics in Alzheimer's Disease and Its Related Dementias (R01 Clinical Trial Optional); PAR-22-094 - Research on Current Topics in Alzheimer's Disease and Its Related Dementias (R21 Clinical Trial Optional).

Due Date: This notice applies to due dates on or after November 12, 2024 and subsequent receipt dates through December 31, 2027.

Administrative Supplements to Promote Diversity in Research and Development Small Businesses SBIR/STTR (Admin Supp Clinical Trial Not Allowed) (PA-24-255)

Sponsor: National Institutes of Health, Centers for Disease Control and Prevention

Award: Individual(s) must have support under an active grant or cooperative agreement, and the research proposed in the supplement must be accomplished within the competitive segment of the active award. Application budgets are limited to no more than the amount of the current parent award. The project and budget periods must be within the currently approved project period for the existing parent award.

Due Date: Applications are accepted on a rolling basis at any time starting 30 days after the Open Date (varies by IC) until the expiration date (October 14, 2027).

McKnight Scholar Awards

Sponsor: The McKnight Endowment Fund for Neuroscience

Award: Applicants for the McKnight Scholar Awards must be independent investigators at not-for-profit research institutions in the United States and must hold a faculty position at the rank of Assistant Professor and must have served at that rank for less than five years at the application deadline. Each Scholar will receive $75,000 annually in 2025, 2026, and 2027. Funds may be used in any way that will facilitate development of the Scholar’s research program, but not for indirect costs.

Due Date: January 13, 2025 at 5 PM Central Time.

Notice of Termination of RFA-NS-24-028: BRAIN Initiative Connectivity across Scales Data Coordinating Center (BRAIN CONNECTS DCC) (U24 Clinical Trial Not Allowed) (NOT-NS-24-127)

Sponsor: National Institute of Neurological Disorders and Stroke

Due Date: This Notice informs the extramural community that RFA-NS-24-028 “BRAIN Initiative Connectivity across Scales Data Coordinating Center (BRAIN CONNECTS DCC) (U24 Clinical Trial Not Allowed)" will be terminated. The final receipt date, August 21, 2024, has been canceled.

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