Controlling Blood Pressure May Lower Amyloid in ApoE4 Carriers
Scientists report that reducing hypertension may ward off amyloid pathology in people who have the ε4 version of the ApoE gene...
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Scientists report that reducing hypertension may ward off amyloid pathology in people who have the ε4 version of the ApoE gene...
Eli Lilly and Company announced yesterday that they have terminated the Phase 2 trial of their BACE inhibitor LY2886721 due to liver abnormalities.
Despite ample evidence implicating Aβ in Alzheimer’s pathology, scientists still struggle to understand how the peptide harms the brain.
The FDA and EMA have endorsed a new tool for modeling AD clinical trials to select the best design, potentially speeding up drug discovery.
Neural activity sends amyloid precursor proteins into endosomes where β-secretase drives Alzheimer pathology.
Studies support the idea that mitochondrial changes drive aging and AD pathogenesis.
New research proposes a neuroimmune receptor as the latest Aβ binding partner.
The first report on PBB3, the latest tau ligand for brain imaging under development, suggests it binds all types of tau aggregate.
Rare mutations in the ADAM10 gene make a genetic case for the amyloid cascade as a cause of late onset Alzheimer's disease.
A new study proposes microtubule-chopping enzymes as the missing link in the cascade of pathology leading from Aβ to tau to neuronal death.
As NIH researchers are preparing to return to their laboratories, Alzheimer's researchers warn about the greater consequences of cutting already limited resources.
Functional neuroimaging scans can pick up stark neural abnormalities in football players with repeated head injuries before their cognition drops much in executive function tests.
An astrocyte protein stymies toxic interplay between Aβ oligomers and prion proteins.
People with neurodegeneration but not brain amyloid surface in two new studies of preclinical AD, suggesting this odd population is both legitimate and potentially large.
Changing ApoE levels in midlife influences Aβ pathology in mice, supporting an ApoE-oriented therapeutic strategy in Alzheimer’s disease.
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