Total Recall—Age, Genetic Variation, and Memory
“Use it or lose it,” a common mantra in the Alzheimer disease community, stems from studies that suggest the brain is analogous to muscle...
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“Use it or lose it,” a common mantra in the Alzheimer disease community, stems from studies that suggest the brain is analogous to muscle...
An ominous double may be at work in Parkinson disease (PD) and other neurodegenerative diseases...
Alzheimer disease brings on a tendency to wander, and patients sometimes become disoriented even in the most familiar surroundings...
No eye-popping action scenes, no happy ending...
Aβ is infamous for its ability to form large fibrils rich in β-sheet secondary structure...
Overexpressing a single anti-apoptotic protein on top of an already triple-transgenic model of Alzheimer disease (AD) rescues amyloid and tau pathology...
Enlisting the immune system to fight Alzheimer disease can take the form of immunization against Aβ, or other attempts to modulate the inflammatory response that plays a role in disease...
Scientists have boosted the activity of an Aβ-degrading enzyme by reducing levels of an endogenous inhibitor...
Whether you’re a job seeker or a postmitotic cell, it’s not a good idea to burn your bridges...
The battle against ALS lost a soldier Monday when Sean Forrester Scott died in his sleep from complications of the disease...
Full-length APP has been suggested to be an adaptor protein that links vesicles to the kinesin motors that power microtubule-mediated transport out to axons, but a new study may be cause to revise that model...
The cell surface receptor p75 has earned something of a bad boy reputation among Alzheimer disease (AD) researchers...
Amyloid-β (Aβ) oligomers are presumed guilty of killing neurons in Alzheimer disease, but that may not be their only transgression...
A new mouse model of combined Aβ and tau pathology reveals that the pair deliver a one-two punch to mitochondria...
Researchers have identified an unusual gene that keeps a lid on both amyloid production and tau phosphorylation in mouse brain...
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