In today’s Neuron, scientists at Brigham and Women’s Hospital in Boston, Massachusetts, report that they have devised a biochemical strategy to detect the earliest aggregates of the protein α-synuclein in cultured neurons, mouse brain, and human brain...
Surprising as it may seem, presenilins—the enzymes at the heart of the proteolytic γ-secretase complex that unleashes Aβ peptides—are essential to prevent age-related cognitive deficits and neurodegeneration...
Just grind some dehydrated blueberries into your people-chow and counteract the effects of aging and Alzheimer's disease on memory. That's one hypothesis we can take away from a recent study by Jim Joseph and colleagues...
Three groups presented results of their ongoing effort to incorporate scientific advances of the past quarter-century into a revision of the current diagnostic AD criteria...
If you want to make sure to remember something, sleep on it. Sleep research confirms this adage, and indeed, its chemical underpinnings may have surprising implications for Alzheimer’s disease treatment...