Transgenic Mouse Mill
Breeding “knockout” mice is a prized tool for evaluating the function of genes, but it is a ponderous and costly tool, consuming many months and thousands of dollars to create each new knockout strain...
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Breeding “knockout” mice is a prized tool for evaluating the function of genes, but it is a ponderous and costly tool, consuming many months and thousands of dollars to create each new knockout strain...
A gene on the long arm of chromosome 6 has been linked to an inherited form of Parkinson’s disease, called autosomal recessive juvenile parkinsonism (AR-JP)...
Scientists often complain that scientific journals take too long to review manuscripts, and that subscription prices are unaffordable. A new journal devoted to Alzheimer's disease research, Alzheimer's Reports...
Researchers trying to study the role of presenilin-1 (PS1) in Alzheimer's pathogenesis have been stymied by the fact that presenilin knockout mice die before birth...
Two recent papers describe the processes involved in the final stages of apoptotic cell death. During apoptosis, enzymes known as caspases break down cellular proteins, causing severe morphological changes and cell shrinkage...
A pathologic form of prion protein is believed to cause scrapie, bovine spongiform encephalopathy and Creutzfeldt-Jakob disease. The normal function of prion protein is yet unknown, but a recent study by Hans Kretzschmar...
Why is the adult mammalian central nervous system unable to regenerate damaged axons? Scarring of glial tissue may be a factor...
An innovative microscope has been developed which provides scientists with a new window through which to explore the dynamics of molecular order and disorder in living cells and other quasi-liquid systems...
Researchers at California-based Affymetrix have analyzed the activity of every gene in the yeast genome in a single experiment using a new "DNA chip." This remarkable technological feat hints of a future...
Scientists working in Oxford University and Duke University Medical Center this week reported the discovery of two new genetic risk factors for late-onset Alzheimer’s disease...
A history of brain injury raises a person’s risk of Alzheimer’s disease, and many researchers now suspect that the brain’s inflammatory responses to injury may magnify the neurodegenerative process...
Researchers in Dr. John Q. Trojanowski's lab at the University of Pennsylvania have discovered a new type of lesion in the brains of Alzheimer's patients...
The National Library of Medicine's MEDLINE database is now accessible free to the general public through PubMed and Internet Grateful Med. Hot links to IGM and PubMed are available on the NLM home page...
Put these two facts together: brain energy metabolism is abnormally low in Alzheimer's patients, and if <a href="">your mother had Alzheimer's</a> you are more likely to develop it than if your father had Alzheimer's...
Results released today of a study published in the New England Journal of Medicine indicated that large doses of vitamin E may delay the time at which late-stage Alzheimer's patients must be institutionalized.
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