Normal Prion Protein Signals with Fyn
The intracellular protein Fyn—a suspect in the formation of neurofibrillary tangles because of its associations with tau protein—has now popped up in conjunction with prion diseases...
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The intracellular protein Fyn—a suspect in the formation of neurofibrillary tangles because of its associations with tau protein—has now popped up in conjunction with prion diseases...
From today's Science: Researchers have built a microarray designed to study the interactions of thousands of proteins simultaneously, helping to uncover their function...
The possibility of using stem cells from the brain to grow neural tissues has advanced a key step now that British scientists have coaxed certain nerve cells backwards in their development process to the stem cell stage...
High-throughput screening for proteins is now possible, according to report in this month's Nature Biotechnology. Researchers in England have designed an array, similar to DNA microarrays, that can screen for more than 18,000 proteins at once...
The ε4 variant of the apolipoprotein-E (ApoE) gene has been shown to confer increased risk for Alzheimer's disease. Gary Small, Susan Bookheimer, and colleagues report that carriers of the ε4 allele need to exert their brains more...
A number of inherited neurodegenerative disorders (e.g., Huntingtons's disease and spinal and bulbar muscular atrophy) have been traced to the abnormal repetition of CAG sequences in the coding for particular proteins...
A protein previously identified as a transporter of inorganic phosphate also transports glutamate into synaptic vesicles, according to a paper in today's Science...
Epidemiological studies have hinted strongly that nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs) might delay the progression of Alzheimer's disease. In the August 1 issue of the Journal of Neuroscience...
Presenilins and Lewy body pathology. Lippa et al (173) used α-synuclein immunoreactivity to determine the frequency of Lewy body (LB) occurrence in familial Alzheimer's disease...
Increasing attention has focused on the role of synucleins in neurodegeneration. α-synuclein was originally cloned by Richard Scheller from rat brain (1). Subsequently...
Joseph F. Poduslo and colleagues at Mayo Clinic report in the August issue of Nature Biotechnology (pp. 868-872) on a technique for imaging Aβ deposits in living brain...
Mice carrying the P301 mutation in tau, which causes human frontotemporal dementia, develop neurofibrillary pathology with features mimicking those of human tauopathies...
Chris Weihl Interviews Richard Mayeux
This symposium (held 10 July) covered the gamut of age-related evolution of brain function in AD from behavioral studies emphasizing mild cognitive impairment (MCI) through microscopic structure...
The relative paucity of presentations utilizing array technologies to study alterations of gene expression in Alzheimer's disease indicates that these powerful technologies are yet to be fully utilized in the study of AD...
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