Neuronal Exosomes Embroiled in Controversy
The L1CAM cell adhesion marker is a widely adopted marker of neuron-derived extracellular vesicles. Except it cannot be found in those teeny packets, claims a new study.
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The L1CAM cell adhesion marker is a widely adopted marker of neuron-derived extracellular vesicles. Except it cannot be found in those teeny packets, claims a new study.
Shooting synaptosomes through a mass spectrometer, scientists found that those with high CD47 and low ApoE were resilient in AD brain.
Amyloid precursor protein CTFs accumulate in lysosomes adjacent to endoplasmic reticulum. This disrupts calcium flow between the organelles.
After veru- and atabecestat, now a third β-secretase inhibitor, by Eli Lilly and AstraZeneca, is being pulled from ongoing Phase 3 trials of symptomatic Alzheimer’s disease.
The APOE3-Jacksonville variant generates a protein whose greater lipid-hauling capacity renders it less prone to self-aggregate. This boosted phospholipid trafficking and reduced the number of plaques and downstream damage.
A mouse model that mimics both signature pathologies of Alzheimer disease develops a day-to-day forgetfulness at four months...
Add a new strand to the growing web of relationships among production of the Aβ peptide, regulation of cholesterol and other lipids, oxidative stress, and the death of neurons in Alzheimer's. Researchers believe that Aβ drives an increase in the conversion of...
Eli Lilly and Company announced yesterday that it has halted its Semagacestat γ-secretase inhibitor program...
The fight against Alzheimer disease rallies warriors of many sorts...
Francis Collins announced that $16 million of federal funds would go toward the first-ever therapeutic prevention trial in cognitively healthy people...
Over the past decade, researchers have shifted away from a literal interpretation of Alois Alzheimer’s groundbreaking discovery...
Can an FDA-approved arthritis drug double as a therapy for Alzheimer disease?...
In yesterday’s Neuron, researchers presented fresh in-vivo support for the amyloid hypothesis and bolster the status of the APP protease BACE as the current favorite target for AD therapy development...
Antibodies against extracellular tau block seeding, diminish brain pathology, and may improve cognition in a mouse model.
The Journal of Neuroscience retracted a paper that claimed Aβ does not accumulate inside neurons, and temporarily banished its senior authors.
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