Alzheimer’s Field Loses Fred van Leeuwen, 71
Van Leeuwen was best known for finding frameshift mutations in APP and ubiquitin B in the brains of people with tauopathies.
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Van Leeuwen was best known for finding frameshift mutations in APP and ubiquitin B in the brains of people with tauopathies.
Both shy and funny, Allsop was a pioneer of modern Alzheimer's research.
African Americans are likelier than non-Hispanic Caucasians to carry low-expression TREM2 variants, and less likely to carry a high-expression variant. As a result, they have less soluble TREM2 in their cerebrospinal fluid.
People who develop Type 2 diabetes before age 60 have more than double the dementia risk, and earlier dementia onset, than those without diabetes.
The fewer their meningeal lymphatic vessels, the slower treated mice clear plaques. Lymphatic dysfunction also drives microglial activation, hinting at a role in pathology.
A “mammalian-wide interspersed repeat-natural antisense transcript” blocks translation of tau mRNA. Other MIR-NATS may act on α-synuclein and APP.
Via recently discovered channels, freshly made monocytes and B cells in the bone marrow of the skull and vertebrae travel directly into the meninges, where they stand ready to infiltrate the brain. These immune cells are distinct from their blood-borne counterparts.
In a tauopathy mouse model, overexpressing the receptor lowered ApoE, prevented microglial activation, and lessened neurodegeneration. LDLR—a drug target for neuroprotection?
When microglia get overwhelmed by α-synuclein, they pass off aggregates to unburdened neighbors. which pass fresh mitochondria back in exchange.
An analysis suggests most Medicare beneficiaries have medical conditions that would disqualify them from using the new drug; this may further limit its clinical rollout.
Microglia regurgitate tau seeds. Then they retreat into a senescent torpor. In this state, they nonetheless pump out potentially hazardous metalloproteases.
Low levels of Aβ37, 38, 40 reflect low processive activity of γ-secretase. They track with age at onset in people with autosomal-dominant mutations, and may track with cognitive decline in sporadic AD.
Well-known to the Alzheimer’s community, John Hardy is being recognized with the knighthood in the U.K’s New Year Honours.
Phospho groups at key residues, such as threonine 181, promoted phosphorylation at multiple distant sites along the protein, suggesting a regulatory role.
Adults who hit this number were half as likely as their sedentary peers to develop dementia over seven years. Power walking for 30 minutes daily cut risk by 60 percent.
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