Common Ground: Is Aβ the Foundation for Multiple Dementias?
The majority of patients with Parkinson disease eventually develop dementia, but what pathology underlies this decline?...
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The majority of patients with Parkinson disease eventually develop dementia, but what pathology underlies this decline?...
Two new papers highlight the importance in AD of autophagy, a means by which cells dispose of unwanted proteins...
Once the neurotransmitter glutamate has flooded the synapse and sent its signal downstream, the cleanup crew must clear out the glutamate, or the neurons will eventually die...
Glutamate excitotoxicity has emerged as a favorite theory for the damage that motor neurons undergo in amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (ALS)...
Behind every successful neuron, and some unsuccessful ones, there are astrocytes...
Two genetic studies point squarely at the p arm of chromosome 9, where lurks an important risk factor for ALS...
Swapping a single cytosine for a thymine in a gene involved in protein secretion more than doubles a person’s risk of amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (ALS)...
You could say biological researchers have been binging on omes this past decade...
On the heels of a report that tauopathy can be spread throughout the brain by the injection of a small amount of toxic tau comes a similar paper on the propagation of (Aβ)...
Several posters beefed up the concept that signaling via calcineurin and NFATs may play a central role in neurodegenerative disease pathogenesis...
Scientists have little trouble accepting the idea that ontogeny is a process rich in interplay between genetic and environmental factors...
The genetics of frontotemporal dementia (FTD) just got more interesting...
There’s a new mouse in the lab for the study of amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (ALS)...
In the brain, large inclusions of proteins just look like trouble, but lately, they are starting to look less culpable...
Top-line data announced this week from a Phase 2 clinical trial of the drug scyllo-inositol give cause to move to Phase 3...
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