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Watching Enzymes at Work

Three-dimensional images of enzymes at work in cells? This is the promise of a new advance in microscopy called fluorescence lifetime imaging microscopy (FLIM)...

More Details to the β-catenin Picture

β-catenin, a protein that regulates transcription, has drawn attention in Alzheimer's research because it interacts with PS1 and PS2. It was also recently found that AD patients with the PS1 mutation have markedly reduced β-catenin...

Abnormal Motion Processing in AD

It has long been assumed that the reason Alzheimer's patients tend to get lost is because of memory failure and confusion. But a new study appearing in tomorow’s issue of Neurology suggests that impaired processing of visual information...

Prion Soup

Researchers in the U.K. have created conditions inside a test tube in which human prion protein can flip back and forth between normal forms and abnormal forms associated with neurodegenerative disease...

Chlamydia-Heart Disease Link Found

In the mid-1980s, Finnish researchers reported that 68 percent of heart attack patients and 50 percent of those with coronary heart disease had antibodies to the bacterium <em>Chlamydia pneumoniae</em>, as compared to 17 percent of healthy controls...

Insight Into Neuronal Asymmetry

Neurons are highly polarized cells, with certain proteins within them clearly restricted to specific regions of the plasma membrane. Yet they lack any obvious barriers to free protein diffusion...

LTP Deficits Seen in Hsiao Mice

Several years ago, Karen Hsiao and colleagues at the University of Minnesota reported that mice containing an FAD mutant form of the human amyloid precursor protein (APP) are impaired in their ability to learn...

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