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The Alzforum Awards have become an annual ritual to recognize altruism among Alzheimer researchers. Every year, the editors consider the many scientists who have actively contributed to the Alzheimer Research Forum website and select a choice half-dozen who have gone to extra lengths to serve this Web community. We thank each and every one of them for being exemplary members of the Alzforum community. Pat McCaffrey presented the awards at the AD Social at the Society for Neuroscience annual meeting in Atlanta. Awardees received an elegant, engraved Tiffany lead crystal paperweight, suitable for refracting rays of light into the darkest corners of their offices.

The 2006 Alzforum Award recipients are

imageSam Gandy, Thomas Jefferson University, Outstanding Contributor, for his leadership in proposing and leading the live discussion Not Dead Yet: Estrogen Deserves Another Chance.

imageMinji Kim, Alice Lu, and Rudy Tanzi of Massachusetts General Hospital, Outstanding Contributors, for composing the detailed eight-part summary of the Keystone Symposia early in 2006:

imageTobias Hartmann, University of the Saarland, Outstanding Contributor, for his thoughtful commentaries and for generously contributing his time and ideas to guiding Alzforum. See, for example, his comment on the news story AβPP Processing—Limping Along on Lipases.

imageNikolaos Robakis, Mt. Sinai School of Medicine, Outstanding Contributor, for long-time involvement on the Alzforum as an advisor, commentator, and critic who has fearlessly poked holes in the amyloid cascade hypothesis and championed the scientific underdogs. See, for example, Alzheimer Research Forum's 10th Anniversary Symposium: Mapping the Next Decade of Alzheimer Research.

imageJohn Morris, Washington University St. Louis, merited the Mensch Award for selflessly providing much valuable advice and participation in live discussions and interviews, and for posting the Antecedent Biomarkers for AD workshop proceedings. See interview.

imageDean Hartley, Rush University Medical Center, received the Vision Award 2006 for being one of our earliest and most creative alpha testers, whose suggestions over the years have led to countless improvements of the Alzforum, including the Antibody Directory. He has also been deeply involved in the creation of SWAN (Semantic Web Applications in Neuromedicine), an innovative knowledge management technology that ARF members will be hearing more about next year....


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Webinar Citations

  1. Not Dead Yet: Estrogen Deserves Another Chance

News Citations

  1. Keystone Symposia Meeting, Part 1—Alzheimer’s Disease: Genes, Cellular Pathways and Therapies
  2. Keystone Symposia Meeting, Part 2—Genetics and Epidemiology of AD
  3. Keystone Symposia Meeting, Part 3—Amyloid Precursor Protein Function
  4. Keystone Symposia Meeting, Part 4—Presenilin and γ-secretase
  5. Keystone Symposia Meeting, Part 5—β-secretase
  6. Keystone Symposia Meeting, Part 6—Tau and FTD
  7. Keystone Symposia Meeting, Part 7—Aβ Clearance
  8. Keystone Symposia Meeting, Part 8—Animal Models and Therapeutics; Therapeutics and Imaging
  9. AβPP Processing—Limping Along on Lipases
  10. Gabrielle Strobel Interviews John Morris

Other Citations

  1. Alzheimer Research Forum's 10th Anniversary Symposium: Mapping the Next Decade of Alzheimer Research

Further Reading

No Available Further Reading