Mark Mattson on A Little BDNF May Help Your Canary Sing

COMMENT The discoveries that neurons that mediate birdsong in canaries are replaced by new neurons produced from stem cells, and that this turnover of the neurons is regulated by testosterone in a seasonal manner, have provided important insight into the control

Diana Dominguez on Follow the Leader to Higher BACE Levels

COMMENT Transcriptional regulation is probably the major mode of regulating eukaryotic gene expression; however, post-transcriptional mechanisms also contribute, in many instances, to determine the final amount of a gene product that is present in the cell at a g

Gerard Drewes on MARK Homologue Sparks Tau Terror in Fruit Fly

COMMENT This paper describes an intriguing Drosophila model of tau phosphorylation causing tau neurotoxicity. So far, therapeutic approaches to tau pathology in AD did not progress beyond the preclinical stage and were mainly directed at the inhibition of the CDK

Michael Irizarry on Follow the Leader to Higher BACE Levels

COMMENT Elevated BACE at the mRNA, protein, and/or activity levels have been found in the Alzheimer's disease (AD) and aging brain. Clarifying the mechanism of BACE alterations in AD will contribute to identifying therapeutic targets. This rigorous study fur

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