Stefan Lichtenthaler on Follow the Leader to Higher BACE Levels
COMMENT As mentioned above in the comment posted by Martin Citron (March 18, 2004), we have a paper in
COMMENT As mentioned above in the comment posted by Martin Citron (March 18, 2004), we have a paper in
COMMENT It would be interesting to see the effect of aging on the relative stoichiometry of APP, alcadein, FE65, etc. (and and their interactions). 0 saido
COMMENT It would be very interesting to examine what happens to entorhinal cortex, where initial neurodegeneration takes place in humans. 0 saido
COMMENT I am quite impressed by this paper, which dives very deep and is of high quality. The observations raise two important issues: 1. Given the apparent central role of the presenilins in memory, and given the fact that loss of presenilins causes neurodegener
COMMENT Being human and the myelin on small fibers: Implications for the dementias and multiple other neuropsychiatric disorders By examining mice, Michailov et al. (2004) might have given us an important lead about the mechanisms that make our brain (and the dis
COMMENT This article makes the very interesting observation that the “default-mode” network differs in healthy elders and patients with Alzheimer’s disease. It contributes to our understanding of the commonly observed changes in resting cerebral metabolism in Alz
COMMENT The problem with testing smokers and ex-smokers to determine if nicotine has neuroprotective properties is obvious. This is an unhealthy route of entry for nicotine, as opposed to transdermal, gum, lozenge, etc., where the cerebral vascular, oncologic, an
COMMENT Nicotine as a pure drug has been demonstrated to be neuroprotective in numerous in-vivo and in-vitro models. In-vitro studies indicate that the α7 subtype of nAChR mediates some types of nicotine-induced neuroprotection in cortical and hippocampal neuron
COMMENT The epidemiological evidence should now be regarded as strongly against a protective role for smoking in Alzheimer's disease. Although several early prevalence studies showed that AD was less prevalent in elderly smokers, at least one large incidence
COMMENT The approaches taken by the authors seem sound and the findings are interesting and suggestive. Synthesis of a solely calpain-specific low molecular weight inhibitor may lead to a "dream medication" that can be used to treat Alzheimer's dis
COMMENT The approach described in this work may prove to be a very effective tool for identifying target molecules involved in the pathological cascade, particularly neuronal dysfunction, of Alzheimer's disease. 0 saido
COMMENT Comment by Gabriel Corfas, Kristine Roy, and Suzhen Chen Over the last decade, evidence
COMMENT This interesting article by Hoglund and colleagues shows that statins do not lower plasma Aβ levels in patients treated with statins. The work is well-designed and well-controlled. The investigators studied two different statins, simvastatin and atorvasta
COMMENT Comment by Randy L. Buckner and Cindy Lustig A major challenge to developing therapies for
COMMENT Important paper that dissects a pathway of APP signalling possibly involved in the etiopathogenesis of AD. 0 andre.delacourte