Yong Shen on Cell Death: Time to Push It Out of the Doldrums

COMMENT Reply by Yong Shen I am glad Steve Barger brought up the controversy on whether ND-κB causes or counteracts apoptosis. This question in itself is interesting enough to attract more rigorous approaches for definitive study. Most of the studies that found N

George Martin on For Better Memory, Try Keeping Your HAT On…

COMMENT Tom Fagan has done a very nice job of calling our attention to these exceptionally important and concordant sets of results supporting Robin Holliday's original proposal for a role for epigenetic modifications in long- term memory (Holliday, 1999). R

Steve Barger on Cell Death: Time to Push It Out of the Doldrums

COMMENT Yong Shen should be congratulated on this comprehensive and interesting review; it contains several novel connections and ideas. However, I was somewhat disappointed by one passage. Despite a great deal of publication and discussion, misunderstandings abo

Yong Shen on Cell Death: Time to Push It Out of the Doldrums

COMMENT I agree with Troy that there may be different routes of anti-apoptotic mechanisms and neuronal apoptosis. The recent studies on caspase-mediated cleavage of MAP or tau are quite interesting. Troy, do you think this would be a normal physiological process

Troy Rohn on Cell Death: Time to Push It Out of the Doldrums

COMMENT Yong Shen does an excellent job of summarizing some of the important data supporting an important role for cell death in a number of neurodegenerative diseases. Clearly, there are a myriad of possible scenarios that may lead to neuronal cell death, and so

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