Conference Calendar
Neuropharmacology Conference 2013
Sheraton San Diego Hotel and Marina, San Diego, CA, U.S.A.
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There is increasing evidence that neurodegenerative diseases have at their basis dysfunctions in the receptors and ion channels subserving synaptic communication. This would explain the cognitive decline and neurological and motor symptoms associated with a host of chronic disorders such as Alzheimer’s, Parkinson’s and Huntington’s diseases.
Understanding the cellular and molecular events underpinning such synaptic dysfunction is a key goal if we are to halt or even reverse the inexorable deterioration currently observed in these conditions. Accordingly, much insight has already been gleaned on the genetics, protein misfolding, cell death pathways and mitochondrial involvement in chronic neurodegenerative diseases. From this insight has come greater knowledge of the fundamentals of synaptic function, but more so an appreciation of the potential, not only for drug-based therapies, but also biological treatments, for example via stem cells.
This conference will bring together world experts addressing the very mechanisms of neurodegeneration and the prospects for treatments that such knowledge promises.