Conference Calendar
Quantitative Genetics And Genomics
Ventura Beach Marriott, Ventura, CA, U.S.A.
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Quantitative genetics aims to link phenotypic variation to its underlying genetic basis in order to better understand and predict genetic composition and long term change within natural, agricultural, and human populations. Traditionally built upon statistical abstractions of genetic effects, the field is now rapidly advancing by making use of recent developments in genetic technology to reveal explicit links between genes and complex phenotypes, and therefore serves as a focal point bringing together many emerging areas of genetics, genomics, statistics, and biotechnology. This synthesis is already having a large impact on the areas of evolutionary biology, plant and animal breeding, and the analysis of human disease. The strength of the Gordon Conference on "Quantitative Genetics and Genomics" has historically been the bringing together of leaders in each of these fields to explore areas of shared interest and cutting edge developments with the potential to affect all researchers within the broad field of quantitative genetics.
Building upon the tremendous success of our conferences in recent years, we will again focus on cutting edge developments in the field, especially highlighting whole genomic approaches to marker analysis, association mapping, transcriptional profiling, and statistical analysis. As the field turns its attention from loosely mapped chromosomal regions to specific genetic elements, elucidation of gene function in a quantitative genetic context becomes central, and these approaches will also be highlighted here. Finally, comprehensive solutions to understanding genetic basis of complex variation require large-scale collaborations among researchers, and several exemplars of these efforts will be presented.
We look forward to meeting you in Ventura, CA in February of 2007! Your continued participation and support of this conference is greatly appreciated. As you will see from the schedule, afternoons are free for adventure and discussion, while poster sessions will be held in the evening.
Lastly, expenses for these meetings are rapidly climbing. If you or your institution/company are interested in making a financial contribution to the chair's fund (to support registration, travel, and social activities), please contact Patrick Phillips (